You work hard for your money and tracking where all of it is spent can be complicated. We shop and rarely keep mental track of how much money is going where. I created a Receipt Tracker Printable to help myself and others track spending. The printable is a great way to see everything we spend our money on.

Receipt Tracker Printable
The Receipt Tracker Printable is easy to understand and use. Firstly, there is a column to write the date of the purchase. Secondly, there is column to write the place of the purchase. You then can write what was purchased in the third column. Lastly, the fourth column is for the amount of money spent.
At the end of each month, you can check the printable to see where your money was spent. The printable is perfect if you want to find ways to cut back on spending as well.
To download the Receipt Tracker, just click on the image below. You can easily download it from there.

I love this printable and use it constantly. I hope you love it too.
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