Congrats, you’re going to college. There are probably a million things going through your head. There’s so much to do, so much to get together. One of the most challenging parts of heading to college is figuring out what to pack. What you’ll need to survive the next eight months. I’ve compiled a list of everything I used during my freshman year of college. Here is a printable list of the most important things to bring to college.
The Most Important Things To Bring To College

The list I’ve created below has items grouped into different categories. These categories include everything you’ll need for bedding, cleaning, decor, bath, laundry, clothes, food, school supplies and extras. Everything on the list is things that I needed or wished I had during college. The list contains some women-specific items. These items are located at the bottom of their categories. If you don’t need them, you can immediately cross them off.
To download and print the list, just click on the image below. You will be redirected to a link where you can download the pdf. I hope you find this list useful. Good luck on your college journey.

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